Grubs in Your Garden


Several Families are asking about grub worms, as they are running into them while digging in their gardens, so I’m going to post this. I’ve seen quite a few, but my hens follow me around helping me while I dig. My chickens made short work of them. Haha…They make good chicken treats or fish bait.

They are Japanese Beetle larvae, and instead of helping your soil, as earthworms do, they are destructive and eat on the roots of your plants and grass. A few grub worms in your soil are okay, but if there are too many of them your lawn and Garden will deteriorate, and you will notice you have a problem. Some of you will also get the pesky Armadillos and moles that will tear up your yard looking for them.


  1. Droopy looking leaves
  2. Ground that feels spongy when walked on
  3. Veggies, Flowers, or Grass that suddenly dies
  4. Brown or Gray patches on your lawn
  5. If you notice you are getting a bunch of moles and armadillos in your yard (Grub worms are their favorite meal)

You will need to get rid of them. Once they feed on the roots of your lawn grass, and then your Veggies in your Garden, it will severely affect them and eventually lead to wilting, or the death of these plants. When the grub worms eat on the roots, the Veggies and grass aren’t able to properly absorb water and nutrients, and that is why you see them brown or gray and die off.

Besides damaging your Garden and lawn, a grub worm problem will also bring in unwanted pests. You sure don’t want moles, gophers, and armadillos to make themselves at home in your yard. They will tear up your yard and garden, and are so hard to get rid of.

The best way to get rid of them is to use natural methods. Beetles lay their eggs during early summer. The larvae (grub worms) hatch out and then begin their destructive cycle. If you know you have a problem, then here are 2 Natural methods that might help.


1) BENEFICIAL NEMATODES–They are natural enemies of grub worms, and will infest and get rid of these pests in the larvae stage. You can get them from a Home Gardening Store. During the larvae stage, spray on your garden and lawn. Make sure to read directions on this. You can also ask your Cooperative Extension Office for info.

2) MILKY SPORE–You can also get it from a Home Gardening Store. Spread on your lawn, and I’ve heard that it is effective for several years.

3) BIRDS–Put feeders in your yard to attract birds, especially the songbirds, as they are good at helping keep down the grub worm populations. This is probably the best Long-Term solution, as they love to eat them.

4) CHICKENS + GUINEAS–They love them and will dig for them. Also, when you are turning over your soil for your garden, they will get them as you go.

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